The Lifeline Classic

What is the Lifeline Classic?

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The Lifeline Classic is a team-based fundraising competition that ends with a tag-team surf comp at Queenscliff Beach. While the fundraising can have as many involved as you like, four team members can take to the surf on the day. 

Local surf pros and legends support the Lifeline Classic by joining a team on the big day. The highest fundraisers get first pick from the pro-surfer line-up to join their team, giving them a higher chance of taking out the Lifeline Classic surf title. 

Where do the funds raised go?

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While the name ‘Lifeline’ is national, Lifeline centres (like Lifeline Northern Beaches) are locally run. Funds raised directly support the mental health of the northern beaches. By taking part in (or donating to) the Lifeline Classic, you’re saving lives in your own backyard. 

The Lifeline Classic raises funds for Lifeline Northern Beaches. These funds are used in our local crisis support and suicide prevention services right here on Sydney’s Northern Beaches. 

Lifeline Northern Beaches provides local face-to-face services including counselling, support groups, suicide bereavement support, financial counselling, social support for the aged, and emergency response to community events across the Mosman Council and Northern Beaches Council areas. 

Are donations tax deductible?

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Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible. 

When is the Lifeline Classic held?

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The Lifeline Classic will be held on Sunday, 17 November 2024 at Queenscliff Beach. 

How can I support the Lifeline Classic?

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There are four ways you can support the Lifeline Classic: 

  1. Register a team and start fundraising for Lifeline
  2. Join a team and help with the fundraising
  3. Donate to a team or directly to Lifeline Northern Beaches ($2 and over is tax deductible)
  4. Share the event, particularly in support of the teams who are fundraising for Lifeline Northern Beaches 

Your support helps Lifeline Northern Beaches save lives from suicide in our local community. 

Who Can Enter?

Who can enter? Do I need to be a really good surfer?

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The Lifeline Classic is open to everyone – you just need at least a team of four. 

The surfing is a huge day of fun at the end of the fundraising efforts of all the teams and we have a range of people who compete. You can use whatever you like to join in the Lifeline Classic – short boards, long boards, paddle boards, body boards, foamies, or whatever you’re most comfortable with. You can even fancy dress. 

How do I enter the Lifeline Classic?

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You can either register a team or join a team – click on ‘Register’ above. 

How many can be on a team?

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You can have as many people helping you fundraise as you like – there are no limits! However, four people can surf on the day of the Lifeline Classic. 

What sort of teams are there in the Lifeline Classic?

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Over the past eight years we’ve been wonderfully supported by a range of teams who have made huge efforts to raise funds for Lifeline’s services. These teams have included people of all ages and surfing experience – from six-year-olds upwards. We also welcome any type of board; short, long, SUP – you name it! 

There have been corporate teams like Cunninghams, Swellnet and CMS Surveyors; small businesses such as Code 5 Fitness and Man Anchor; local community groups including Surf Girls Australia, Freshwater Longboarders and Northern Beaches Uniting Church; and groups of friends such as Fairlight Boardriders. 

Get on board with your own team. Help Lifeline save lives. 

How many teams are there?

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Around 20 teams in the competition.

The Event

How does the day run?

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The Lifeline Classic starts with the fundraising presentation at 8am, which team captains must be present for, then team captains choose a pro-surfer to join their team in order of fundraising totals. 

There are four 50-minute heats with a maximum of four teams in the Open Division. 

One surfer from each team is in the water at a time while the rest wait to be tagged-in on the beach. Each surfer takes two waves with the second wave known as a power wave which is worth double-points. 

The top two teams in each heat progress through to the next round. 

The semi-finals of the Open Division begin around 1pm with the top two teams in each progressing to the final. 

The Women’s Division final is held around 3pm. The Open Division final is held around 4pm. 

How is the surfing scored?

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The surfing is scored by three judges using the tag-team scoring system. 

Are there bonus points?

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There are bonus points for fundraising totals – with teams raising more than $5,000 receiving one bonus point for every $100 over $5,000 up to a maximum of 20 bonus points. 

Plus, there are bonus points for the team that completes their waves first, second, third and fourth in each heat or final. 

Are there any points penalties?

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If there is interference with another surfer’s wave, the responsible surfer is deducted points. The judges’ decision on the penalty is final. 

What happens if there’s flat surf or bad weather?

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Unfortunately, Huey can let us down. As an outdoor event, we can’t control the weather or the surf or the swell. 

If we can’t hold the event on the day, we will let every team know as early as possible. We understand that the surfing is the final part of the Lifeline Classic and it’s our celebration of the efforts of all teams so we will always find a way to hold the Lifeline Classic – even if we may have to postpone. 

What are the rules?

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Surftag Format (Tag Team) 

50 minute heats 

5 x surfers per team (each team selects a pro surfer or local ripper on the morning of the event in order of fundraising or they can rock up with 5 x surfers of their own) 

Each surfer catches 2 x waves in relay style, both waves count towards team score. 

Every surfer’s second wave is worth double points - POWERWAVE. 

Bonus points are awarded for each team’s fifth surfer returning to the tag area on the beach before the 50 min time limit. - First team home receives 4 points, followed by second team receiving 3 points and the 2 points and 1 point. 

Top 2 teams progress to the next round 

Fundraising Bonus - for every $100 raised over $5000 and capped at $7000 the team will receive 1 x Bonus point to be added to their team total when needed to progress. If a team finishes third or fourth in a heat by 6 points, they can use bonus points to increase their team total so they progress and they can use the balance of bonus points in the next round and final if required. 


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