There is no excuse for economic abuse
More than 1 in 7 women have experienced economic abuse from a current or previous partner
Your donation can restore hope and financial independence for victims trapped by economic abuse.
Just $99 provides a financial counselling session to help a victim begin to regain control over their life
On 26 November, Economic Abuse Awareness Day highlights a form of control that devastates lives—restricting financial independence and trapping victims in abusive relationships. Economic abuse can take many forms, from controlling access to money to sabotaging employment and creating crippling debt.
Your donation can make a real difference by increasing our capacity for financial counseling, a vital service to those in need. Your support will help victims break free from the cycle of abuse and reclaim their independence. Together, we can provide hope and a path to safety.
Economic Abuse & The Role of
Financial Counselling
Financial counselling can provide critical support to victims of economic abuse by helping them regain control over their finances, understand their rights, and work toward financial independence.
How do financial counsellors help?
Financial Counsellors are trained professionals, they provide FREE, independent, and confidential information to those experiencing financial distress.
During financial counselling sessions, our counsellors help clients to prepare a money plan, learn more about their rights and obligations, explore their options, and discover how to voice their negotiations with creditors or other authorities. We look at all options to try to avoid bankruptcy, and will advocate on behalf of clients when necessary. In some case we will refer clients on to legal, accounting or government services (and as a last resort, we can help complete bankruptcy papers).
At Lifeline Northern Beaches our Financial Counsellors focus on:
Alleviating financial hardship related to debt and cost-of-living
Budgeting skills and financial literacy to increase financial confidence
Post separation Financial Safety Planning
‘Over time, due to the constant emotional abuse, you start questioning your own sanity. Your independence – physically, emotionally, financially, religiously, sexually, verbally, and psychologically – is slowly eroded.’
Maggie - Weavers Expert of Experience

Local support, supporting locals
Since 1968, Lifeline Northern Beaches has worked to prevent suicide and support mental health in our own backyard.
This year we celebrated a milestone 55 years of impact in our community, including 30 years providing companionship to aged care residents.
To date we have answered over 1,000,000 crisis calls, and helped reduce drivers of distress via thousands of counselling sessions.
Lifeline Northern Beaches funds all our community programs through partnerships, grants, retail, donations and fundraising efforts.
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