Terms and Conditions

Lifeline Classic Terms and Conditions

By applying for entry into the Lifeline Classic in support of Lifeline Northern Beaches, I confirm I understand and agree to the following terms and conditions.  

Registration and participation  

  1. I understand that to take part in The Lifeline Classic, I must register with Lifeline Northern Beaches on the Lifeline Classic website. Failure to complete the Event Organiser’s registration by any applicable deadline may mean I am unable to participate in the Event.
  2. I understand that this Event is organised by the Lifeline Northern Beaches, who is solely responsible for the conduct and operation of the Event, including all health and safety requirements. I will read the Event Organiser’s Terms and Conditions for the Event and I will comply with any specific Event rules given by them. 
  3. I will inform Lifeline Northern Beaches Events Team immediately if I am unable to take part in the Event by emailing events@org.au. 

Fundraising target  

  1. I pledge to fundraise $5000 in aid of Lifeline Northern Beaches through my participation in the Event. I will not be liable to meet this target but I understand that Lifeline Northern Beaches will encourage me to raise what I can. 


  1. I will use only lawful means to fundraise in aid of Lifeline Northern Beaches and will not do anything that harms or is likely to harm Lifeline Northern Beaches
  2. I will comply with any fundraising guidance or advice issued by Lifeline Northern Beaches and abide by the Lifeline Australia Fundraising Guidelines
  3. I will make clear to everyone supporting my fundraising that I am raising funds ‘in support of’ Lifeline Northern Beaches. 
  4. I will collect money in aid of Lifeline Northern Beaches in connection with the Event only using the on-line tools made available to me through the Lifeline Classic webpage. 
  5. I understand I will be supplied with an Authority to Fundraise by Lifeline Northern Beaches (if you do not receive one please contact events@lifelinenb.org.au
  6. Lifeline Northern Beaches can terminate my authority to fundraise on their behalf at any time by sending written notice to the email or postal address I provided at the point of registration. 

Donations and payment terms  

  1. All monies raised in aid of Lifeline Northern Beaches that are not directly paid to Lifeline Northern Beaches via the Lifeline Classic Website are held on trust for Lifeline Northern Beaches and I understand that I have a legal responsibility to ensure that all funds raised in connection with the Event are paid to Lifeline Northern Beaches via the online giving platform or direct bank deposit (please contact events@lifelinenb.org.au for bank details). 
  2. I understand that if I withdraw for any reason from the Event, any monies raised will be non-refundable and will be treated as a donation to Lifeline Northern Beaches payable in accordance with clause 11. 
  3. I will make it clear when fundraising in connection with the Event, that the money is not given subject to any conditions and that the funds will not be returned if the Event is cancelled, or I do not complete the Event. 

Personal data 

  1. I understand that Lifeline Northern Beaches will use the information provided by me when registering for the Event for the purpose of promoting and administering my participation in the Lifeline Classic. Lifeline Northern Beaches may also contact me to discuss my fundraising. 
  2. I give permission for my personal information to be passed on to Surf Tag by Lifeline Northern Beaches for the purposes of the organisation, and administration of the Surfing
  3. The personal information provided by me when registering for the Event may be used for the purpose of sending me communications in line with the consent given when registering for the Event. 
  4. All personal data held by Lifeline Northern Beaches will be handled and used in accordance with applicable privacy laws and Lifeline Northern Beaches Privacy Notice. 

Health, safety and fitness   

  1. I understand that the Event will be physically challenging and there is a risk of injury. I will prepare myself for the physical challenge of the Event and I will obtain confirmation from my doctor to ensure that I am medically fit to participate in the Event. I confirm that I will not participate in the Event if for any reason I am not, or if I feel that I am not, in a fit state to take part and I confirm that it is my responsibility to seek expert medical advice if appropriate.


  1. Nothing in these terms limits any liability which cannot legally be limited, including death or personal injury caused by negligence. 
  2. Subject to clause 19, I understand that the activities and/or events I organise to raise funds in aid of Lifeline Northern Beaches are my responsibility, including but not limited, to all costs and liability. Lifeline Northern Beaches bears no liability whatsoever for any events and/or activities I may organise. Lifeline Northern Beaches shall not be liable for any injury, damage or loss to me, my property or to any third party that might occur because of the fundraising activities and/or events that I organise. 
  3. Subject to clause 19, I understand that I take part in the Event at my own risk, and I will not hold Lifeline Northern Beaches or any connected persons, responsible for any accident, injury or illness to me, for any damage to my property, or for any losses that might occur as a result of my participation in the Event. 

Privacy Policy 

  1. Your submission of personal information through the website is governed by our Privacy Policy. By agreeing to these terms you will be deemed also to have read, understood and agreed to our Privacy Policy.

Correction of Errors 

  1. Occasionally there may be information on our site or in the Service that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, promotions, offers, product shipping charges, transit times and availability. We reserve the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions, and to change or update information or cancel orders if any information in the Service or on any related website is inaccurate at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order).

Governing Law 

  1. These Terms of Service are governed by, and are to be construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of New South Wales, Australia.

Contact Lifeline Northern Beaches 

  1. 2 Any questions or correspondence regarding these terms and conditions should be directed to Lifeline Northern Beaches Events Team, 310 Sydney Rd, Balgowlah NSW 2093 or events@lifelinenb.org.au or Ph 02 9949 5522